The 12 Best Herbal Teas You Should Drink for Energy 

While some people wouldn’t trade their morning cup of coffee for anything, many believe drinking tea is a better option. This has resulted in a divided field of opinions, with coffee being a favorite but tea winning over the hearts of many. We reveal the best herbal energy teas if you’re considering switching from coffee to tea.

The Benefits of Drinking Tea for Natural Energy

Tea in a tea cup. The tag says, "drink me."

Before exploring the top tea options for a natural energy boost, it’s important to understand the various benefits associated with drinking tea. One key advantage is the availability of both caffeinated and caffeine-free options, catering to different preferences and needs.

Tea is an excellent substitute for individuals who prefer something other than coffee or those aiming to reduce their coffee intake. It provides a gentle caffeine kick, helping to sustain energy levels while mitigating potential side effects like anxiety. This makes it a versatile and appealing choice for those seeking a healthier alternative to traditional caffeinated beverages.

It Is Good For The Heart

Everyone should prioritize heart health. Drinking tea may reduce the risk of heart-related issues, such as stroke. Enjoying a daily cup of loose tea can lower harmful cholesterol levels and maintain optimal heart health.

It Controls Blood Pressure Levels

One such benefit is the ability of tea to relax the smooth muscles that line the blood vessels. This muscle relaxation can reduce blood pressure, promoting overall cardiovascular health. So, if you’re looking for a natural way to relax and lower your blood pressure, a cup of tea is just what you need.

It Supports Brain Function

In addition to promoting heart health, drinking tea also supports optimal brain function. Tea provides a natural energy boost, helps regulate sleep patterns, increases dopamine and serotonin levels, and maintains overall brain function. It also enhances the immune system.

It Can Help With Weight Loss

Yes, you’ve read it correctly. The best herbal teas for energy can also help you shed those stubborn extra pounds. Increasing your tea consumption can make you more active, accelerate your metabolism, and effectively burn more fat. Furthermore, as natural teas are free of sugars, you can indulge without worrying about gaining weight.

The Best Caffeinated Herbal Teas for Energy 

Hot tea in clear cup.

Finding the most suitable beverage to maintain your strength and alertness over extended periods is essential. Certain types of tea can effectively stimulate both your body and mind, helping you to stay alert for a significant duration. 

These teas typically contain a moderate amount of caffeine. The key distinction lies in how the caffeine is released. Unlike coffee, which provides an immediate energy boost, tea gradually dispenses smaller doses of caffeine into the body. Here are some of the best options for caffeinated tea that you should try. 

Black Tea 

Black tea is at the top of our list—just like you may love your coffee black. Black tea is celebrated for its distinct and bold flavor, deep brown hue, and intricate processing methods.

Masala Chai

Masala chai has many antioxidant properties and health benefits, such as helping with digestion, reducing inflammation, and reducing stress and anxiety. This sweet and spicy tea is an Indian delicacy. It contains spices such as cardamom, cinnamon,  cloves, and ginger.

White Tea 

White tea is as powerful as black tea and undergoes the least processing of all the teas on this list. It is made from buds still covered with white hair, making it a delicate and healthy beverage.

Oolong Tea

Oolong tea undergoes a similar processing method as black tea, but it shares more similarities with green tea. It undergoes a slight fermentation process, producing an earthy and slightly malty taste when consumed.

Yerba Mate Tea

This tea has a high caffeine content. We wouldn’t recommend yerba mate as a long-term solution to your caffeine fix, but it is a better alternative than energy drinks. It will give you that boost of energy that you’re looking for. 

Pu-erh Tea

Pu-erh tea contains the amino acid l-theanine, a great mood, stress reliever, and cognitive function booster. It is also a great option because it doesn’t contain as much caffeine as a traditional cup of coffee. 

Green Tea 

Finally, a cup of green tea is an exceptional choice for an energy boost. Green tea is known for its refreshing grassy flavor. Compared to its counterparts, it undergoes minimal processing, allowing it to maintain its natural, invigorating properties.

The Health Benefits of Drinking Caffeine-Free Herbal Teas

Steam coming from tea cup.

We’ve discussed the best-caffeinated teas, but what about the best caffeine-free herbal teas for boosting energy? Despite being different, both types offer numerous benefits.

Herbal teas are typically made from spices, roots, flowers, herbs, and fruits and do not contain caffeine. While blending some with black tea to add a kick, you can enjoy them as a caffeine-free beverage.

Why should you choose caffeine-free tea, and what are its benefits? Check out the list below.

Ginger Tea 

This has a little spice to it. Ginger tea offers numerous benefits, including improved digestion, anxiety reduction, and anti-inflammatory properties. It serves as a natural energy booster.

Peppermint Tea 

Peppermint tea is one of many favorites and a great choice if you want something minty. It can heighten the senses and provide you with increased energy.

Chamomile Tea 

Chamomile tea has the opposite benefits of peppermint tea. It can promote sleep and relaxation, giving you an incredible feeling of calmness. Many people drink it before bed to wake refreshed and energized, ready to start the next day!

Lemon Balm Tea

The great benefit of lemon balm tea is its calming effect. This tea is typically best to drink at night if you have trouble sleeping. It should make your nighttime routine a lot more seamless. 

Hibiscus Tea 

The final item on our list is hibiscus tea. It has a refreshing taste and is rich in Vitamin C, making it a relaxing and energizing choice. However, its calming properties are more powerful, so you can drink it before bed, just like chamomile tea.

Caffeinated or non-caffeinated tea? The choice is yours! Whether you choose a more robust or lighter option, you will still reap the benefits of the tea, making it a good choice either way.

You have just discovered the best herbal energy teas. Time to begin your tea journey! Now that you know their benefits, which teas will you incorporate into your daily routine?

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